raphael kinsley also known as raph. or rafie, grew up in a small town in south korean off the ocean coast. raph was born into a poor family, however they were rich with their love and adoration for their little girl. raph grew up in a small home with her mother, father, and grandmother. in which they were all deaf. raph learned sign as she was growing up, but as years went on she too started to lose her hearing so she did what she wanted to do most. she watched every movie she could, listened to every album she could. she laid on the floor for days on end tapping her foot, humming, she loved every second of it. until she completely lost her hearing by age twelve. although it was unfortunate, she didn't mind because her family had shown her how to fall in love with everything all over again.schooling was difficult since she didn't have an interpreter. the school was very small, a class of six if that most years. she learned to read lips and do things on her own. she got her first camera at thirteen when he mother saw how much she loved film. they saved up and sent her to film school in seoul where they had interpreters. she finally felt a little more welcome. she kept to herself most throughout schooling, she got great grades and took internships within tv show companies and interviewed with movie directors which she would watch growing up. she was told to keep going as her first small film for her year end assignment had taken off, and that's when her passion flourished. raphie doesn't like seoul as much as her small hometown where she had the beach, the small family owned restaurants, and community- where everyone knows everyone. a family knit community. unlike seoul where it is large and bustling.
raphael is a hearing person turned deaf. she admires ocean life and prays before eating meals. she studied camera equipment and collects vintage cameras and lights. she likes to sleep in the lighthouse on the shore and dance when the light illuminates the ocean. raph takes pride in being deaf, she can still talk perfectly. movie make her happy, and the vibrations of music make her feel calm. rafie keeps a pencil, charcoal, paper, and a camera on her person at all times and loves capturing people in the moment. her preferred method of communication if you can't sign is touching the sides of your neck while her eyes are closed, or as she looks at your lips. she enjoys dogs and toads. she likes bread and bakeries. when it rains in seoul it reminds her of her home town which draws her closer to her family. sending letters back home makes her feel at ease. she likes to collect stamps and small trinkets from game machines. she often goes to the movies alone at least four times a week. she likes to learn different mediums with art. she says art opens the mind, body, and soul. the more someone knows about art, herbal medicine, or film the more her eyes light up. she is a great listener, believe it or not.
🎞 admin of raphael kinsley is twenty six.🎞 no out of character interactions.🎞 rafie is nsa/3n unless she grows an attachment.🎞 admin is usually busy please understand.🎞 use : as an out of character indicator.🎞 uncomfortable with anyone under nineteen interacting whether is sfw or nsfw.
she likes the number eleven.
she enjoys tomatoes.
she likes to skip.
she enjoys candles with woodsy scents.
she is attracted to intellectuals, not gender.
she bites ice-cream.
she likes plant's.
she enjoys museums.
she has an art blog.
she loves her students.
she is ruthless on set.
she appreciates people who can sign.
she likes bugs, praying mantis' the most.ask her more.